
  • I. L. Sazonets National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
  • V. V. Dzhyndzhoian Dnipro University of the Humanities, Dnipro



methodologies, scientific schools, social processes, economics, economic anthropology, corporate.


It is determined that in the process of determining the methodology ofscientific research of social processes in society, an importantscientific task is the choice or combination of methodologies ofdifferent scientific schools. An important task is also to take into account the shift in priorities in value creation and national incomegeneration – from the production of goods to the provision of services.It is established that it makes sense to distinguish the followingapproaches in the study of social phenomena: interdisciplinaryapproach, systematic consideration of features, problems andprospects of development of social phenomena, information supportof the study, practical opportunity to obtain research results,historical approach, objectivity.The author's methodological concept of the research is proposed,which is based on a group of methods. According to the degree ofcommunity in our study, the following groups of methods aredistinguished: philosophical, general scientific, private, specialmethods, sociological.The most interesting from a theoretical point of view is the relativelynew scientific concept, the concept of economic anthropology. One ofthe theoretical tenets of this concept is the division of social values,interests of the individual, the worker into public and public. It isdetermined that economic activities and exchange processes based onthe agent's practical experience, cultural environment, clan (class)affiliation were characteristic of societies with underdeveloped formsof exchange (totalitarian, centralized, subsistence farming). Atpresent, the highest manifestation of this form of economic activity isthe types of economy that are classified by cultural grounds. Thereare peculiarities of the market-liberal model of economy, Islamicmodel, Confucian and Buddhist. In a global economy, national culturalfeatures in the field of business organization and exchange areexpanding to subregional cultures and subregional economic models.

Author Biographies

I. L. Sazonets, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Doctor of Economics, Professor

V. V. Dzhyndzhoian, Dnipro University of the Humanities, Dnipro

Candidate of Economics (Ph.D.)


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