
  • Н. M. Yurchуk National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne
  • S. O. Komar National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne


monopoly, antimonopoly policy, competition.


The purpose of this article is a theoretical and analytical study of the monopolization of the national economy in the context of justifying the directions for improving antimonopoly policy. Monopolization of the economy is the antipode of competition as a necessary attribute of the market system, which holds back economic development. Negative socio-economic consequences of monopolies prevail. Among the main types of monopolies are natural, economic, technological, innovative, administrative and artificial ones. The tools of antitrust policy in the form of their impact are conditionally divided into direct and indirect. In world practice, three major national models of antitrust policy are identified - American, European and Japanese. The Ukrainian model of antitrust policy is in the formation stage, however, to a greater extent,corresponds to the features of the European one. The rating position of Ukraine on the index of global competitiveness and the effectiveness of the antimonopoly policy is negative. The high level of monopolization of the Ukrainian economy is largely due to the opacity of the state economic policy. Priority directions for improving the national anti-monopoly policy should be considered: ensuring legal equality of economic entities; ensuring the transparency of state economic policy; ensuring price transparency in the field of natural monopolies; minimizing state interference in the economy on the basis of privatization.

Author Biographies

Н. M. Yurchуk, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Candidate of Economics (Ph.D.), Associate Professor

S. O. Komar, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Senior Student


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