
  • Н. M. Yurchуk National University of Water Management and Nature Resources Use, Rivne


social and labor relations, labor market, wages, fleksybilizatsiya, shadow employment, nonstandard employment, working conditions, employment contract, civil contract.


The purpose of the article is to study the characteristics of social and labor relations in the labor market as determinant factors and socioeconomicdevelopment for further substantiation of each other stipulation changes. Originality of the study is to determine main positive and negative trends of social and labor relations in the labor market in the context of the impact on the socio-economic development of state. The practical value of the results is embodied in determination a number of negative trends in employment, including: shadowing of employment and wages; low pay in the context of European standards; poor working conditions significant proportion of workers. Elimination the respective negative trends requires prudent macroeconomic policies and comprehensive approach. Suffice controversial trend in the labormarket is to expand the scope of a civil contract, because the level of social responsibility of employers for them is significantly lower compared to the employment contract. Limiting factor of socioeconomic development is the regulation social and labor relations based on outdated legislation, since a large number of rules and safeguards are unbearable burden for most employers in market conditions. The positive trends in the labor market in the context of socio-economic development is flexibility in remuneration and dissemination of of nonstandard forms of employment. Thus, the development social and labor relations on the national labor market is characterized by different orientation and ambiguous effects on the socio-economic progress. The prospect of further development is to study the trends and characteristics of social and labor relations in the labor market in the context of initiated social and economic reforms in line with the European aspirations of Ukraine.

Author Biography

Н. M. Yurchуk, National University of Water Management and Nature Resources Use, Rivne

Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor


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