
  • Zh. S. Shуlo National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne


credit market, credit system, banks, long-term and medium-term lending, decentralization of power.


The introduction examines the essence of the Ukrainian credit market, its advantages and the effectiveness of its functioning in conditions of decentralization of power. Eminent economists engaged in studying finance and credit markets. While paying tribute to the scientific work of domestic and foreign scientists on this issue, it should be noted that there is a need for further study. The purpose of the work is to determine the problems of the Ukrainian credit market management system and the ways to solve them. The article considers the necessary conditions for the functioning of the credit market, analyzes lending by types, presents the problems of lending and the ways oftheir solution in the conditions of decentralization. For the effective functioning of the credit market in conditions of decentralization, a stable economic situation in the country, the availability of developed infrastructure and effective state regulation are needed that would ensure the stability of the banking system and protect investors. The conclusions analyze the shortcomings of the functioning of the credit market and the credit system as a whole, and the methods of theirelimination are proposed. Proceeding from the above-stated problems of functioning of the credit market, we are offered the following ways of their solution: 1. Strengthening the leverage of the NBU’s influence on the credit market as a whole through the withdrawal of the Financial Services Commission from subordination of the government to the central bank, which has the necessary scientific and material base. 2. Creation of a credit register in Ukraine. The credit register is widely used in the world to manage credit risks and improve bank supervision and regulation. Its introduction in Ukraine will give banks more opportunities to assess potential and existing borrowers, and the regulator to identify in a timely manner the growth of credit risks at the level of individual banks and the sector as a whole.

Author Biography

Zh. S. Shуlo, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne

Candidate of Economics (Ph.D.), Associate Professor


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